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Woven - Soul Sisters' Summer Study

Welcome back! I hope and pray you enjoyed Angie Smith’s whimsical writing style. She seems to love telling a story. Remember, we all have our personal preference for writing styles. Some of us will love Angie. Some of us may wish for less words. Either way, the girl loves Jesus! I know that for sure. So, I’m excited to walk through the Bible with her.

In chapter 2, Angie said, “So, the Creation is not just a story. It’s a promise. It’s a peek. It’s a historical, yet hopeful and forward-looking portrait of everything you’d expect an unlimited, all-powerful God to make when he set out to create an entirely new universe. He took one look at everything that he had made, and behold it was very good. – weighty words from Someone whose standard of goodness, we’d come to see, is purest perfection. That’s where the Bible story begins.” (page 18)

Read: Genesis 1: 1-31

Journal: Goodness! Today, we get to look at pure goodness. Our God created goodness out of darkness, chaos, and nothingness (the Bible said “formless and void”). Now, if you’ve studied God’s Word for any amount of time you know that we have exactly seconds before goodness turns to NOT goodness. But, for today, I would like for you to journal about the goodness of God.

• What did He create in the very beginning that was good?

• In your own life (now or in the past) what has God created, or provided, that is good?

• If there has been a situation in your life where the circumstances seemed dark, formless, empty, or chaotic and yet God chose to hover over and speak light, structure, fullness, and order creating the kind of goodness only He is capable of, why don’t you take some space in your journal to remember! Give God His due praise and worship today.

The stories we get to read in the Bible teach us about the character of God. If He created goodness from nothing in Genesis, He can do it again. What if we simply believed in His power daily? Are you staring at a situation that is lifeless, void, chaotic? Offer it to your Creator and ask Him to bring forth goodness.

Prayer: Write out your own prayer of thanksgiving to God for His active goodness. Don’t let this day get by without taking time to remember where you’d be without His active and powerful creativity spoken into the dark places of your life.

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