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Have you loved this week of studying the Prophets? I sure hope so because I’ve loved it. I’ve loved every bit of it. Some of it doesn’t...
Goodness. We’ve covered major ground this week. The prophets along with the historical books that take place during the time of exile...
Wednesday, July 28th Woven – Summer Study I couldn’t start my time alone with Jesus this morning without going back to Jeremiah 17, I,...
As I write to you this morning, I can’t help but think about the feelings and emotions of the prophets. Of course, I don’t know what...
Girls, Jesus is going to enter the scene so very soon, and I can feel the expectation. But, we have one more week in the Old Testament....
Serve, Share & Shine - Act 4
Saturday, July 24th Happy summer and weekend Soul Sisters! We are "weaving"our way through summer and are already on ACT 4 of our summer...
After a full week of study, I'm going to keep my words brief today. I have two things I want to share with you. Then, we will move past...
David is such a prominent character in scripture. It doesn’t feel right to move on after only one day’s study. But, we have no choice. I...
’m feeling a little bit guilty, because we spent all of our day’s study on Saul covering his faults, his mess-ups. In fairness to Saul,...
Are you ready to dig into our study of Israel’s first kings? Since we’ve read the chapter, we know who we will study; Saul, David, and...
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