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Forty Days of Promises - Kindness
God promised to be kind to us. Then she said, “I have found favor in your sight, my lord, for you have comforted me and indeed have...
Forty Days of Promises: To be patient with us
Thursday, May 28th God promises to be patient with us The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love....
Forty Days of Promises: Peace
God promises to give us peace. Theme of the week: God's Spirit is lavished in us and through us. The Lord gives strength to his people;...
Forty Days of Promises: To give us joy
Week 5 FOCUS OF THE WEEK: God’s Spirit is lavished on us, in us, and through us God promises to give us joy I will turn their mourning...
Forty Days of Promises -- Speak Through Us
God promises to speak through us. Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my...
Forty Days of Promises: God promises to convict us
Thursday, May 21 Forty Days of Promises: Week 4 Focus of the week: The gift and roles of the Holy Spirit God promises to convict us. When...
Forty Days of Promises: He gives us comfort
Forty Days of Promises: Week 4 Focus of the week: The gift and roles of the Holy Spirit God promises to comfort us Indeed, the Lord will...
Forty Days of Promises - To Help Us
Forty Days of Promises: Week 4 Focus of the week: The gift and the roles of the Holy Spirit God promises to help us Fear not, for I am...
Forty Days of Promises: the Holy Spirit teaches
Week 4 FOCUS OF THE WEEK: The gift and the roles of the Holy Spirit GOD PROMISES TO TEACH US I will put my teaching in their hearts and...
Forty Days of Promises -- God Promises to Welcome His Repentant Children Home
God promises to welcome His repentant children home. If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face...
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