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Ladies, you've done such a great job studying this week. We've covered some ground! I would like to say that other weeks won't be as packed as this one was. BUT, we've committed to work our way through the entire Bible in just 12 weeks. So, I can't really make those promises.

Today, I'm offering you another sermon. I'm so happy that I'm sharing a pastor with you that is very different than the pastors I shared last week. He looks different, he sounds different, and his delivery is different. I enjoy listening to different kinds of pastors. In my opinion, this practice protects me from being a "Tower of Babel" believer. I won't listen to a pastor that doesn't teach the Bible as the unchangeable Truth. But, if we agree on the foundations of Christianity, I say the more diverse the better.

Dr. Dharius Daniels is intelligent, deep, and charismatic. I have loved anything he's taught. Today, you'll hear him share a very practical message centered around the story of Job. I believe you'll be blessed.

Enjoy your study and your weekend. I'll see you back here on Monday for the next chapter in Woven.

I encourage you to spend a little time reflecting in your journal over the weekend. What challenged you this week? Did you learn anything you've never thought of before? Were you able to connect with any of our Bible characters from personal experience? We get to make Bible study our own, girls. I think God loves it when we invest time in personalizing the stories.

Father God, we thank you for another week to study YOU. As we rest and restore over the weekend, show us ways that we can grow in the grace and knowledge of You. Amen.

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