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I just want to say, "Great job," for all the reading you've done this week. Today, I believe I owe you a day with much less words from me.

Read: Genesis 9: 1-3

The rest of Genesis 9 and all of Genesis 10 details the families living on earth. We know that Noah's family is all that survived the flood. God charged them with multiplication. Genesis 9 and 10 give an explanation of his three children's families. All of mankind can be traced back to these three men.

Now, read Genesis 11: 1-9.

Again, I promised you that I would keep my words short today. In essence, I read that God instructed (in Genesis 9) people to be fruitful, multiply, and FILL the whole earth. By Genesis 11, they'd decided to remain right where they were, as one comfortable people group, so that they wouldn't have to be scattered over the whole earth. Girls, it seems we've liked our "comfort zones" since the very beginning.

On top of that, this group of people decided they wanted to be famous, they wanted to make a name for themselves. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun. Even without social media, there was the lure to make a name for ourselves. Fame has always been a temptation.

Journal: Why don't you just have some fun journaling today. What are your thoughts about this "Tower of Babel" situation. Have you noticed anything you didn't notice before?

I'd also like for you to consider that the people we are studying in Genesis 11 wanted to join together (forever) with people that looked like and sounded like themselves. The natural draw was and is to find "our people" and stick with them for dear life. God's direction was always to scatter. In our society today, I see and feel so much of the Babel mindset. Denominations, race, gender, political parties, etc. We tend to want to find people that look like us, sound like us, believe like us, and act like us to do life with. We can even put scripture with that mindset as a way to justify staying in a "comfort zone" and refusing to scatter. I'm not saying any of it is wrong, but I am asking us to think, journal, and pray.

What is God saying to you today?

God, I thank you for scripture that makes me think. I also thank you for mystery, for the places in scripture where we are left without definitive answers. Your ways are higher than my ways, so there will always be a bit of mystery until we meet You. Specifically today, I'm asking that You'd speak clearly to us. I believe You have something to teach each and every one of us, and I'm asking that we'd listen, hear You, and understand.

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