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Oh, sweet friends. You’ve done it! We’ve made it all the way to the end. The only books we haven’t talked about are the letters written by Peter and John and the Revelation written by John.

First of all, if you aren’t watching The Chosen series, I’m just going to take another opportunity to say, “WATCH THE CHOSEN SERIES!”

I love what Angie said about both Peter and John as she described their letters. Peter (what a guy!) transitions so much from the Gospels to his letters. It’s a great picture of growth and development among Jesus’ disciples. He could be such a firecracker in the Gospel accounts. In his letters, though, he made a shift to caretaker and teacher. Peter reminds me that the people in my life need grace for the moment. God is doing something in each of our lives. If we aren’t careful, we’ll expect too much before it’s time and miss out on the beauty when all of God’s good work comes together in one of His children.

John’s letters are equally as meaningful. Then, he also wrote Revelation which has been so misunderstood. I can’t say that I understand all of it (or much of it). But, I know this, we’re the ones that have made it all about the end times and what happens next. God gave John the revelation as an encouragement to 1st century believers, and the gist is, “JESUS WON!” Think about it, they were struggling. They were persecuted. They were dying for their faith. Would God have given them a revelation they couldn’t even understand about a time they wouldn’t live to see? NO! He was reminding them of Christ’s victory on earth AND the eternal victory that was coming soon. Revelation can’t mean to us what it didn’t mean to the first church. For them, it was good news!

The only thing we didn’t cover in our study that I wish we’d been able to read more of is Psalms. A mentor of mine called the book of Psalms “a balm for the weary soul.” It has sure been that for me.

It’s also been a great way for God to get my attention a time or two. He certainly did with the one I chose for today. As this week has gotten closer, I’ve felt more and more sure that this is where we need to end.

Read Psalm 77: 1-9.

In your journal, please record the psalmist’s feelings and emotions. If any of the phrases stick out to you as confusing or harsh or ridiculous, write them out. For instance, verse 9 is difficult for me, has God forgotten to be merciful?

Prideful Amy wants to question the psalmist’s faith. I mean, how does God forget to be anything much less merciful?

The realistic Amy understands that I’ve been there! I may not word it the exact same way. But, I am positive there have been times that I’ve felt stuck in negative circumstances, feelings, or emotions. I questioned God’s activity in my life. OR, I questioned myself and my worthiness to earn God's activity in my life. Either way, I get the point here. Sometimes life is hard for such a long period of time. It can begin to feel like there is no way out or back to the better place. In those times, we are frustrated with God and want to see Him working.

If we are honest, we’ve all had times where we felt God disappointed us. He didn’t come through the way we though He would. What do we do with those feelings?

Read Psalm 77: 10-20.

I taught this passage for the first time in my late 20’s. I don’t remember what I was doing when God pointed this out to me. I know this, though, I’d already experienced many, many disappointments. In this Psalm I saw the immediate answer to hopelessness and disillusionment. ….. Even in the disappointment, we must remember.

Do you see where the psalmist decides to make a change?

In the night, he can’t sleep. His mind is racing, and he’s naming all of the different ways God has failed him. But, in verse eleven he decided to think on something else,

I will remember the deeds of the LORD: yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.

Since we’ve been through the entire Bible, we have a long list of God’s deeds. Your journal is full of them. And, you know how to navigate the Bible to get back to each of them for further study. We’ve learned that God is faithful and true. He is a promise keeping God…. With every one of His people throughout the Bible.

So, when life seems out of control, scary, unbearable, or too hard, we can take out our list. And, we can remember. Sometimes, the stories from God’s Word are enough to remind us of His goodness. Other times, we need our own.

In my 20s, sitting in a Sunday school class, I challenged other young women to make a list in their journal of specific times when God kept His promise or came through in a surprising way. I told them to keep that list close. The next time they found themselves up in the middle of the night worried, anxious, or mad, they could take out their own personal reminders and probably fall right to sleep with a new heart and attitude.

Remembering God’s goodness shifts the atmosphere! That’s worship.

Can you make a list today? I mean we have all the details of God’s Gospel story fresh in our minds and on our hearts. If He wasn’t good to us in any other ways, He’s been good enough already. BUT….. that’s not our God. He’s showered us with provision, protection, compassion, encouragement, and so much more. He did the heavy lifting. We just need to remember!

I think I can be quiet now and let you praise. On your own, pray. Using your own life and memories (your newly made list), offer up your version of Psalm 77:10-20 to the Lord. He is worthy, right?

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