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Well, ladies. I'm not ready for this week to end. I feel like the disciples that were on the Mount when Jesus was transfigured (Mark 9: 2-8) when they wanted to build a camp and stay a while. I just want to camp out here in the Gospels with Christ a little longer. The Gospels come to an end so quickly. After waiting for so many years, Jesus' time on Earth ends almost as quickly as it starts.

Before we say, "goodbye," though, let's read an interesting story in chapter 9 verses 14 through 24 of Mark, the one who's story is action-packed. Read these verses to see what happened as soon as Jesus came down from the mountain with His inner circle of disciples.

In your journal, please take a moment to record the "thing" that threatens (maybe on a daily basis) to wreck your faith. Write as detailed as you'd like and then write, " I DO BELIEVE. HELP ME WITH MY UNBELIEF."

This is the truth, ladies. As soon as we feel we've settled our faith, life presents another temptation not to believe. How beautiful of Jesus to offer us the perfect prayer through Mark. We get to pronounce our faith and declare unbelief all in the same sentence.

GRACE! That's what that is. I love you, Jesus, for Your grace.

Now, I have a treat for you today! Rather than a sermon, I've chosen a session from the Seamless series. It's from the 6th lesson and is a wrap-up for the week on the Gospels and a preview to the week on the Resurrection. Now that we've read Angie's words week after week, I think it's time to listen to her teach. It's a short lesson, but I think you'll enjoy it.

After you watch, will you share something that you loved, something that you learned, or something that you laughed at (because it's Angie... I know you laughed).

Dear God, after a week of studying the Gospels all we can do is THANK YOU! What would we do without Jesus? We are grateful we don't have to know. Yet, so many in this world don't yet know. Would you make the life of Jesus come to life in us in such a way that our hearts are burdened for those that don't know our Savior. We have life to share. Give us the courage to do it!

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