Well, we've made it to another Friday after a rich week of study. I just love studying God's Word with you. Thank you so much for joining me here.
This week, we touched on the people group that Hagar birthed through Ishmael, the wild donkey of a man. Angie informed us that these people currently live in modern day Iran.
I've been led to share an interview that was conducted by Jennie Allen during the If Gathering this year. I am praying that God will use this interview to lead us all in the way we should go. I have no idea what that is. But, I do believe we need a wake up call in America. Maybe it can begin with us.
We are part of God's greater story. It started long ago, and it will continue until Jesus returns. We are all living our piece of the story now, and I don't want us to live scared, passively, or uninvolved.
As you listen, I hope you'll journal any and all of your thoughts. I also pray you'll comment below if God leads you to pray something specific, do something specific, or change something specific.
God, I'm a little concerned. This message seems like an odd one for me to share. But, I believe it's where you led me. So, open our hearts and minds to exactly what You want to teach us through Jennie today. I pray a special blessing over the man and his family doing work in Iran. Multiply their efforts! I pray that hundreds, thousands, and even millions would come to know You because of their surrender. Amen.
