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Today, we are going backwards in scripture just for a moment. I want to spend a day talking about Hagar. We won't talk about her again. She isn't a name that continues on in the story of covenant. Abraham and Sarah are the father and mother of the group of people God chose to be a demonstration of His redemption. However, as we will see today, that doesn't mean Hagar wasn't also cared for by a loving Father.

Read: Genesis 16: 1-13

I have such a soft spot in my heart for Hagar. She would have been considered property to Abraham and Sarah. That in itself is tough for me to understand, but it explains why Sarah and Abraham were able to choose that she would get pregnant for her. If that weren't awful enough, Sarah became jealous of Hagar once she became pregnant.

Have you ever felt mistreated, disregarded, uncared for by people in your life that were responsible for you? Doesn't it sting just a little more when you're hurt by people that are (by the nature of your relationship with them) supposed to be caring towards you? Hagar fled from their presence, and I just wish I could ask her exactly what she was feeling.

God found her there, and he asked her some questions. To begin with, He asked her the question that He seems to enjoy asking when we flee, where did you come from and where are you going? Just like Adam and Eve in the garden, God wanted Hagar to think about her location; maybe physically and emotionally and spiritually. Isn't this a tender moment in scripture? I'm thankful for these pictures in Scripture where we get to see how specifically God cares for those who are cast out and forgotten, because it demonstrates to us that we are never, ever forgotten by the God of Creation. He will always come to our rescue, and He always has time for us.

Please, please, please notice that Hagar gives God a name in this section of scripture, the God who sees. Honestly, I just can't write that without tears welling up in my eyes. Yes! I know that God sees all things. As I read the words as Hagar would have spoken them, though, I get emotional because proves that God comes to us as we need. Hagar felt unseen in her circumstances, so she fled. God found her and cared for her, and she'd always know that she is SEEN.

PS.... So are you, sweet sister. I have no idea what is going on in your world right now. But, God does. He sees you, and He will care for You.

Now, read Genesis 21: 9-21

It's gone from bad to worse, right? We will do crazy and hurtful things when our kids are mistreated. We can't blame Sarah for momentarily losing her mind, because I have no doubt we are all guilty of that. This is extreme, though. God gave Abraham permission to drive Hagar away from their home. Remember, she was considered property, and she had nothing of her own. Most likely, we can't even fathom the depth of her fear and emotion.

Hagar prepared for death in the desert. She saw no other way. She placed her son, Ishmael, away from her so that she wouldn't have to watch him suffer and die. BUT, the God who sees also hears. Once again, He cared for Hagar and her son.

Journal: As you glance back over verses 15 through 21, please notice all the ways God cared for Hagar in our two sections of reading. Write them out! Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That means what He did for Hagar He will do for us.

He sees you! He knows you! He calls you by name. Today would be a great day to pray the words of Psalm 139. Insert your name in any spot that David was speaking of himself. Personalize it as a prayer, because the God who sees and hears is yours.

Prayer: Father God, Your Word says that You see us. In fact, there is nowhere we can go to escape Your Spirit, Your presence in our lives. I don't know what my sisters are going through today, but I find comfort in knowing that You do. Please, cause us all to stop and think of how precious this truth is. Remind us in special ways all day long that we are seen by the One that created us and cause us to be changed by that realization.

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