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"Practically Divine"

Read Mark 4:1-20.

In my short career in network marketing, a phrase that I heard repeatedly was, “Facts tell, but stories sell.”

The basic idea of this statement is that facts will teach ideas, but sharing stories motivates an action. Therefore, Jesus told stories. He knew the kingdom of God would be difficult for humans to comprehend, so He used stories to help us out. Sadly, even the parables can be difficult for us.

Let’s carefully read this first parable as an opening to our time with Jesus today. Read it slowly and read it a couple of times. Jesus shared the parable. Then, He explained the parable. I invite you to join me in asking God to show me how I’m hearing His Word and messages to me right now. I want my life to be good soil where God’s Word lands, takes deep root, and produces good fruit. I’m learning that good soil is produced in the Believers life when she is desperate for God’s guidance and teaching. It takes desperation and intentionality to quiet Satan, fight persecution, and overcome life for the purpose of being transformed by God and His Word.

What is the biggest obstacle to good soil being produced in your life?

Now, read Mark 4:21-25.

“No one lights a lamp only to place it under a basket or under the bed. It is meant to be placed on a lampstand.” Mark 4:21 (TPT)

It looks like God has endorsed the idea of less than positive circumstances happening “in broad daylight.”

Would you be able to endure hardship, temptation, and even persecution with more faith and hope if you knew that God plans to use them to strengthen your faith?

To send your roots down deep?

To make our lives into bright lights shining Jesus for all the world to see?

Ladies, I think that’s the very point. God loves us so very much. He loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die the death we deserved so that we could live forever in Him and with Him. Once we understand that love and begin to comprehend its depth, we are meant to share it with the world.

Our lives are the conduit. I wonder if God allowed sin and shame to enter the world, because He knew they’d offer a platform and spotlight for our lives to demonstrate His good news.

He’s a good, good Father! I am so thankful that He sent Jesus to die for our sins. I’m also grateful He keeps calling us to Him, perfecting the “soil” of our lives, and allowing us to be light in darkness.

Jesus, Your lessons fall just as powerfully today as they did when you walked the Earth. Thank you for bringing darkness into the light. Thank you that you are a God of exposure. Our enemy wants us to believe we have to keep our darkness hidden. But, You designed us to be a light on a hill. Make us desperate enough to follow You all the way to wholeness and freedom. Amen.

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