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"Looking for Lovely"

Ladies, I am sad! We are at the very end of our summer book club, and I have loved every minute. This summer, I have been right in the middle of reading and studying with you. There have been days when I was writing our next day only hours before you’d open it. Amazingly, I haven’t been nervous about that one, single time. My heart has been in complete peace all summer. When I ran out of time or didn’t have words to write another post, I just knew it was because there was something I’d not yet experienced that God wanted me to include in my writing. Every time, He would direct me to a conversation, a song, or scripture that would direct our next day’s study. This will forever be one of my own, personal, favorite studies.

Our last chapter to read is the Epilogue. Turn there now and read Annie’s last chapter, “This is My Song.”

Enjoy! Read slowly and don’t rush. This is the last section of our reading, so make it last.

If there was only one line you could include in a song written to praise the Almighty God who has been present in your life, what would it be?

Let’s take some time to reflect on and praise our God. Friends, carve out some moments to journal your life with your God. Look back and see His activity in all the highs and lows, good and bad, planned and unplanned. All of it has been ordered by Him. He hasn’t caused all things in your life to happen, but He has certainly been present, active, and He has been working it all together for lovely! Take time to see it today.

If you’re having trouble seeing lovely in life today, please don’t waste one moment shaming yourself for that! I’m begging you not to cooperate with evil in that way. Do NOT “should” on yourself today. Instead, could you trust God enough to confess the reality of where you are and ask Him to show you something lovely.

I want to share the song that Annie woke up singing the day she wrote this chapter. Maybe it will be helpful in remembering lovely. I love you, ladies. Enjoy this day.

God, I’m so sad for this ending. But you’re reminding me that the study is ending while looking for lovely is just beginning. You’ve changed my perspective this summer. Book club has been a delight, and the lessons I’ve learned will continue. Thank you for showing me how You desire for me to live in a constant search of lovely. You wired me for it, so I am free to go for it. I’m excited to continue in this journey. Amen.

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