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Day One- Forty day Journey of Prayer

Monday, January 4, 2021

Day 1: Forty Day Journey of Prayer

Pray in this way: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name… Matthew 6:9.

Welcome back, Soul Sisters : New year, New study, New prayers, New opportunities !

Each day we will begin our devotional time with reading the post in our book, “Forty day Journey of Prayer, a Daily Choice to Talk to God”. If you are still needing this book you can order now at: Each day the post writer will write her thoughts or a commentary on that post followed by a prayer and additional verses to dive into if you are looking for more.

Today there are several things that stuck out to me as I read the first day post. First of all, to Whom are we praying? Take some time to ponder just how almighty our God is. Does He hear all our prayers? Is He powerful enough to answer the biggest most important and the smallest most insignificant prayers we offer? Does He even care that much? Scripture says not only does He hear our prayers but God can even read the thoughts and intents of our hearts (Hebrews 2:13). Psalm 66:19 tells us He attended to the voice of prayer- meaning He has not only listened to them but He has attended or “taken care of” our prayers. This shows we indeed have a listening and deeply caring God. Scripture also tells us it’s not a matter of whether He hears us or not, it’s a matter of whether we’ll accept His answer. If you are like me, you have received answers that you didn’t see coming but those exact answers are ones that you needed more than you knew.

This brings me to the second point Chris Baxter makes in her post. “From day one, let’s make it our ambition to humbly come before Him with reverence and awe, being grateful for the privilege of talking to God”. Today’s highlighted portion of the Lord’s prayer says His name is “hallowed”. “Hallow” means to give praise. We are called to praise His attributes and His name. As Chris reminds us, this is what grows our faith. The answers He gives us when we come before Him are coming from a place of knowing all - past, present, and future. Ladies, He is the guy with the answers we are seeking . His will is always better than ours and He will always have our best interest at heart. He has an incomprehensible love for us! How can we NOT pray to and give praise to this God of ours?

Now, let’s get to work.

  1. Write down one name of God that comes to mind. This can be a name or characteristic of God that is on your heart right now. Please SHARE it in the comments below. I am choosing the One that HEALS. He heals mind, body, and spirit. He heals what ails us and we are all in need of this in one way or another.

  2. Choose five or ten things you want to bring before Him over the next forty days. These can be people or circumstances. Write them in your journal .

  3. Look at your list and pray for the people and circumstances you wrote down, while doing so, lift up the name of God that you have chosen today.

That’s it. Let’s believe that these next forty days are going to be game changers. Let’s stay the course and see where He leads us and celebrate together who He is and what He can do.

God that Heals,

Hallowed be Thy name! You are our One and Only that knows and loves us more that we do ourselves. Lord, we give it all to you. We ask You do mighty works in us over the next forty days. Increase our faith as we talk with You daily. We bring each one of our people and circumstances and lay them at the cross asking for healing, among all the other requests each one of us has. Hear our many prayers, Oh Lord. We ask this in Your Holy name, Amen.

For further reading: Deuteronomy 32:3-4; Psalm 33:6-9; Psalm 145:1-3

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