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Acts of the Apostles, Part 2

Boldly and without hindrance (Paul) preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 28:31

Oh, ladies! What a study! Right?

The book of Acts comes to a close, but the early church had only just begun. Today, we continue on as the Body of Christ. Aren't you thankful we have this record of the very first followers of "The Way?"

I can't help myself. I have to go back to Joel 2 to remind us all of the fulfillment of this prophesy in verses 28 through 30.

After this, I will pour out my Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams, and your young men will see visions. I will even pour out my Spirit on the male and female slaves in those days. I will display wonders in the heavens and on the earth: blood, fire, and columns of smoke.

This is what we've been reading throughout our study. God did exactly what He promised to do through Jesus. He overcame sin! He reconciled us to Himself. Then, He sent His Spirit to live in us so that we could live each and every day in the fellowship of the Trinity.

What had been available to only a few during Old Testament, Jewish tradition was now available to ALL, and in abundance. Joel's prophesy announced that the gift of God's presence would be available to everyone; young and old, men and women, Jews and Gentiles. Old Testament Jews would have had NO way of grasping even the slightest possibility of this.

So, God had to blind the #1 Jew of all Jews. Saul had to meet The Christ on his journey so that he could be the megaphone to tell the rest that Joel's prophesy was true, and it had been fulfilled.

I just get emotional thinking about it. A generation of Believers that had been transformed by the power of the Gospel and the very life of Jesus organized the first churches, because they had to share what had given them the truest life they'd ever experienced.

So, Acts ends with Paul teaching and sharing the news of Jesus. He couldn't be stopped. The baton had been passed to him, and he was determined to do his part. Paul carried that baton and ran with abandon. Since that time, many have picked up the baton and run.


Because their lives have been transformed by the Gospel and the very life of Jesus. They cannot be silent. Now, it's our turn. We get to wrap our hands around the Gospel and run with abandon.

Thank goodness we don't all have to run like Paul did. Since the Holy Spirit lives in each one of us, God gets to do a brand new, individual, and unique thing through every human willing to join Him. I'd like to lead you through a short exercise to end our time together. I believe it's important we pause to ask God what He'd like to do in and through us. If we pause and ask, I know He will answers.

1. Sit with both feet grounded. Close your eyes. Ask God to help you focus on Him alone. Spend at least one minute in prayer seeking a clear heart and mind.

2. Thank God for the gift of the Spirit. Thank Him that He has purpose for your life. The very first purpose for all of us is to KNOW God. Ask Him what He'd like you to know about Him today. Pause for a period of time and listen.

3. Think back over your day yesterday. As much as possible, think through your day carefully, from start to finish. Does a moment stick out to you when you feel sure God was speaking something to you? What was it?

4. Begin talking with God about that moment. Ask for clarity, vision, and purpose. Allow God (through His Spirit) to guide your words. Is there anything about this specific memory that points to calling and purpose in your life? Is there a next right step God could be asking you to do?

5. Take time to write out a brief summary of your thoughts. You don't have to spend much time or words on this.... just a few sentences. Then, thank God that we have the privilege of sitting in His presence and joining Him in relationship.

I thought I'd offer you a song to enjoy as our closing prayer today. As we listen, I pray we all feel encouraged on our "run." You've got it, sister. God is always up to something, and we get to join Him.

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