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ACTS of the Apostles - Learning How to be Daring & Dynamic

But I promise you this—the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and you will be seized with power. You will be my messengers to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces—even to the remotest places on earth!

Acts 1:8

Do you remember our first day in Acts? This was our key verse. Throughout the first 14 chapters, we've seen this promise fulfilled over and over. Everyday people were seized with Holy Spirit power and became Christ's messengers across the world.

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fulfilled the prophesy of Joel in chapter 2 of his book; And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

Prior to the book of Acts, this kind of universal Holy Spirit activity was unheard of. When Joel prophesied that ALL would receive the Holy Spirit (sons & daughters, old & young, servants & free, men & women), it had never happened before. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit fell on a few and only for a period of time as they accomplished something for the Lord. The hearers of Joel's prophecy would have had no ability to understand the meaning of Holy Spirit for ALL.

Prior to the Book of Acts, everything was focused on God's uniting love and care for Israel, the Jews. They were the chosen nation. From Acts forward, the rest of God's unfolding promise to Abraham is being fulfilled, "in you ALL the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12)

I don't know about you, but I have certainly felt the implications of ALL as we've studied the first 14 chapters of Acts. I've been so grateful that God chose to include all of us in His Gospel story. I've been amazed by the activity of the Holy Spirit in all kinds of people. And, I am increasingly aware of the power available to us all of the time now that the Spirit resides in our personhood.

As we wrap up the first half of Acts today, please pray a prayer of gratitude that God chose to include all of us in His plan. Then, let's pray for a willingness to follow Him all of the time, in every moment. We are His apostles, and He is not done accomplishing acts through His Spirit.

As you pray, would you share in the comments what has been your favorite thing about our study of Acts; maybe it's a particular story, or a person, or even an overarching theme. What is something we've studied together that will stick with you forever? Let's share those lessons together.

I hope you're making plans to join us for our Summer Book Club. We will be reading the book "Practically Divine," by Becca Stevens. It is her unique and personal story. But, it's also a real life picture of living constantly aware of the Holy Spirit's power. He is here, and He is active every minute of every day. Therefore, all of our moments can be supernatural moments. Each of us have the opportunity to cooperate with God through His Spirit to make everyday circumstances divine.

I'm looking forward to learning alongside you all summer.

God, thank you for the book of Acts. Thank you for allowing us to peek in to the very real lives of the first Jesus followers. You flooded them with the Spirit's power, and the world was transformed. Give us a hunger and thirst to cooperate with you for transformation again. We want to be "seized with power" as the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and we want to experience the supernatural even in the mundane. Amen.

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