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ACTS of the Apostles

Thursday, June 2

ACTS of the Apostles

Learning How to be Daring and Dynamic

Read Acts 14:19-28

Focus Verse: Acts 14:21-22

When they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.

Our focus verses pick up Paul’s story after a horrific incident. In Acts 14:19-20, we find that some angry Jews, who disagreed with Paul’s teachings, chased him down. Once they caught him, they literally dragged Paul out of the city and stoned him, leaving him for dead. I don’t know about you, but I cannot even imagine what it feels like to be stoned until you are unconscious. That is what happened to Paul. The disciples ran to him thinking the worst, but Paul got up and marched back into the city. There, he resumed preaching as if nothing had happened. We don’t know if God miraculously healed him of all his injuries or if he just ignored the pain, but there’s no doubt God was with him. Paul was determined to continue strengthening the faith of the disciples there. In a way, the fact that he had just been stoned and hadn’t let that stop him was a powerful testimony to these new believers. He was warning them to expect opposition and suffering when they shared the Gospel. But by example, Paul showed that it was worth it all. He showed that God was his strength to keep going in tough times, unimaginably hard times.

What does that say to us? For most of us, especially those of us in America, being a Christian doesn’t involve being persecuted for our faith…at least not in the way Christians are suffering in other countries around the world. We may be badmouthed or socially shunned, but that doesn’t compare to physical suffering and the threat of death. Yet, there is a lesson in this for us: Look at what Paul was trying to accomplish despite the persecution. Thanks to the action of the Holy Spirit, several of the mini churches that Paul started had grown by the thousands. Others were forced by persecution to meet secretly in believers’ homes. But Paul was dedicated to each one of them and was determined to travel to them as often as possible. His goal was to strengthen and encourage them in the face of persecution and false teachings so that these new believers would stay true to Jesus and the Gospel. Paul prayed and fasted with them, teaching them the deeper truths of God. That is what God has called us as His disciples to do, too. As God teaches us, we GLEAN spiritual truths, GROW by putting them into action in our daily lives, and then, whenever God opens up the opportunity, GIVE others encouragement through the message of the Gospel.

Dear Lord, Today we pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe who are facing persecution for following You. Give them, and us, that same kind of determination that you gave Paul and the early church. May we remember that You are with us when we share the gospel. Remind us that You will not leave us or forsake us when we face criticism and opposition in Your name. Let us be willing to risk everything for Your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name and for the Father’s glory, Amen.

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