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ACTS: A Way to Pray

Monday, January 17 ACTS: A Way to Pray

Isaiah 44: 6-8 Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Who is like me? Let him proclaim it? Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any.”

Adoration: Heavenly Father, I continue to be amazed at who your word says you are. You are All, Everything, the ONE. You can do anything I can imagine and so much more that is too big for my human mind to comprehend. In this ever changing world we live in ,you remain the same from everlasting to everlasting. That comforts me.

Confession: Lord, please forgive me when I put other people, places, and things before you. I know I do it all the time which I am ashamed of. Before I know it, my “to-do” list is filled with so many things that I think are necessary and important but in fact can just be meaningless. It’s so easy for me to take charge and make myself my own god that it frightens me at times. I come before the Throne and lay down these transgressions.

Thanksgiving: Your word says you know everything past, present, and future. Reading scripture helps give me confidence in you and takes my fear away. You are my Rock and my Salvation and Lord I am so thankful !

Supplication: I come today to ask that you remove these idols I have. Help my focus be on you. I ask this of my family members as well. I (and they) cannot do this without you, however with you, all things are possible. It seems like such a big ask but you are the only GOD and you have the power to make all things new. I pray that our eyes are turned toward you and you are the only One we worship. Amen.

Use these verses and ACTS to write your own personal prayer in your journal

We have now completed one week of” ACTS, a Way to Pray”. I’ve been reminded that something different happens to me when I write down my prayers using this format. I have discovered I am lacking in the area of the “A” and the “C”. This is something I need to work on and this format really helps with that. Also, I am seeing through both these daily scriptures and my prayers how big and powerful he is and how little I am capable of alone. He is in charge and despite my best efforts, he is and always will be so much better at it than I am! That particular revelation always brings me peace and is a nugget that I desperately need to hold on to.

What about you? Have you learned anything new after this past week? If so, please be willing to share in the comments below.

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