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ACTS - A Way to Live

The Gospel of Luke—Lent 2022

Read Luke 16:1-15

Focus Verse—Luke 16:13

"No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

ACTion for Reflection: Choosing a Master

It is so interesting that my day of writing fell on this passage of Scripture. Many of you know that I'm in seminary work towards a degree in Biblical studies. This trimester I'm taking a Spiritual Formation class. We are looking at a different aspect of our personhood each week. This week's study is "resource stewardship." Just before I sat down to write for you, I read the chapter from my textbook, and over half of it had to do with handling money and possessions.

Did you know that 17 of Jesus' 38 parables had to do with possessions? I did not! Also, I learned that Jesus mentioned possessions 2,172 times in Scripture which is 3 times more than love, 7 times more than prayer, and 8 times more than belief. Wow!

The way that we steward our money is important to Jesus; therefore, it must be important to us. But, why? Why did Jesus spend so much of His teaching time talking about money?

Money by itself is not bad. When we turn to our money to be for us what only Jesus can be for us, we are on a road to destruction. This is terrible news for us AND for the lost world.

As Jesus-followers, we have one mission in life. Yours is the same as mine; we are to love/enjoy God and glorify Him forever. The resources we have been given for this mission belong to God. We are merely stewards, managers, overseers. Jesus had to continually teach on the topic of money, because He wanted us to be reminded over and over that He is our Master. The author of my textbook said it this way,

"Material things are lovely to own, but they generate personal tragedy when they own us." (Diane Chandler)

Living generous lives is a safeguard to being ruled or owned by our possessions. When we live by the truths Jesus taught about money through His parables, we are able to keep our priorities in check.

Have you noticed specific ways generosity leads to freedom in your life? Would you share your experience with us in the comments?

ACTion to Live Out: Trust God’s calling to be generous.

An idea for today is to pray about how God wants to use you in a “pay it forward” random act of kindness. Plan to pay for someone’s groceries, meal, gas, etc. It may be the person in front of you or behind you in line; or you may randomly go to a place that God leads. Whoever he leads you to, spend money out of the generosity of your heart. There is no reason to worry about holding on to money that this person could benefit from. Trust in God’s ways.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for teaching us how to live! After we daily reflect on your life-giving words, help us to then, through your Spirit, get up and ACT. Give us hearts of compassion, hands of generosity, and feet that take your good news to the world. What an honor it is to be your image bearer. Amen.

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