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ACTS: A Way to Live

Monday, March 28

ACTS: A Way to Live

The Gospel of Luke—Lent 2022

Read Luke 12:22-34

Focus Verse: Luke 12:34

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

ACTion for Reflection: A Lesson about Priorities

This passage has much to teach us. First of all, Jesus commands us not to worry. “Do not worry about your life …(v.22)” Those words are very simple and direct yet, how can we avoid worry? The Word says he will provide what we need. Our faith in that statement is our hope. Only faith can free us from the anxiety caused by greed and covetousness. Yes, it is good to work and plan responsibly but it is bad to dwell on all the ways our plans can fail. Worry is simply pointless because it can’t fill any of our needs; worry is foolish because our Creator of the universe loves us and knows everything we need.

Matthew 6:33 states, " Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need". Seeking the kingdom of God means making Jesus the Lord of our lives- in EVERY area. He must control our work, play, plans, relationships, and yes, our finances are included here. Money is one of those areas that can be so tempting to control and get anxious over. It’s got to rank high on most everyone's list as it is a necessary thing that can so easily turn into an obsessive want.

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (v.34)”. Think about this: When we concentrate our money in our businesses, our thoughts will center on making that business profitable. If we direct it towards other people, we will become concerned with their welfare. I don't think it’s a question of how much or how little we have but more of where our mindset and hearts about finances lie and how we carry that out.

Where is your heart today? Where do you put your time, money, and energy? What do you think about most? What changes do you need to make in the way you use your resources in order to reflect kingdom values more accurately? These are tough questions to ask ourselves which can look pretty ugly when we are honest with ourselves (I’m speaking personally here).

Below are some great suggestions of what we can do with our resources to help another. There are opportunities every day to make a difference in a life. Please share in the comment section anything you have done or would consider doing to help someone else. I’m convinced every little thing we do makes a difference so nothing is insignificant here. It’s interesting that when we start to think of others and give, we receive a gift of something so much more - our hearts start to change.

ACTion to Live Out: Give away earthly treasures

An idea is to give away something that is of material value but someone else could use more. Maybe it’s a pair of tennis shoes, clothing, a piece of jewelry, a household item or anything at all. Pay attention to others around you who could use it more; even notice any needs or requests from social media (Nextdoor is a great example).

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for teaching us how to live! After we daily reflect on your life-giving words, help us to then, through your Spirit, get up and ACT. Give us hearts of compassion, hands of generosity, and feet that take your good news to the world. What an honor it is to be your image bearer. Amen.

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