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40 Days of Peace - Day 22

Tuesday, September 15

Week 5, Day 22

Peace Within

Focus of the Week: Knowing and believing God’s word brings peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27

Yesterday we looked at one tactic of studying God’s word; today we’ll look at another: memorization. Write out the above verse on a few different notecards and place them in areas that you see on a daily basis (bathroom mirror, kitchen counter, dashboard of your car). Keep this verse in these places and read over it each time you see it for the purpose of hiding it in your heart. While memorizing, meditate on the meaning…because knowing and believing God’s word brings PEACE.

Now, read the words of John 14:27 slowly. Ask the Lord to allow the words to settle into your mind and your heart. Then, read the verse again and pray the same thing. This reading-repetition as well as gaining understanding to what you are reading is helpful in the memorization process.

Think about what stands out to you when you read this verse. It may be different for everyone. One thing that was heavy on my heart is that Jesus says he gives a different kind of peace than what the world gives. When I take this thought further, I know that his peace is internal and provided through his spirit (peace within); the world, however, at its best can only give temporary and circumstantial peace that comes from the outside. Worldly peace is short lived or is based on a circumstance. We can read a book, relax on the beach or even watch a favorite Netflix and have peace. We can also find peace from the outside by running away from something that is distressing, by medicating, drinking or eating or our way out of what bothers us. There is an unending cycle to this kind of peace that often involves pain and suffering for many. Jesus’ peace is totally different and has nothing to do with being temporary or circumstantial. It passes all understanding (Phil 4:7). God is in control and he loves you, but we must be in union with him through the Holy Spirit to walk in perfect peace.

Let’s continue to refine our memorization skills….get a few note cards and write out John 14:27 on each of them. Writing and rewriting helps in memorization as well. Find different places to put these cards: your bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, car dashboard, etc. Keep this verse in these places and read over it each time you see it for the purpose of hiding it in your heart. Memorize it to the best of your ability. Remember, there is grace! You don’t have to get it perfectly. The point of memorization is to have the meaning of the words impressed into you, not just the words themselves. Knowing and believing is what brings God’s peace.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We want to claim your wonderful promise of peace and obey your words of command to not let our hearts be troubled or to be afraid. Let us hold your words close to us so we know the world has a way of giving peace, but that peace is not your way of peace. May we always remember that you are in control and we are never alone as we go through our daily walk of life. Let your words be in our heart and mind forever the Holy Spirit move in us today in a mighty way reminding us of your presence, love and true peace. In your son’s name we pray. Amen

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