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Made For This -- "When We Dream"

So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer. Romans 12:1

I don't know about you, but I ended last week with thoughts swirling in my head about dreams -- Do I have dreams?, Am I living them?, Are they from God?

Here's a warning.... Today's lessons lends itself to even more of that OVERthinking. As you read pages 238 through 242 in Made For This, you could have more of those thoughts. If so, write them down and think on them a little. But, don't get stuck, because I want you to have plenty of time in our scripture focus today.

Respond quickly to the questions on pages 243 and 244. You'll have to think a bit. You may even have to dig deeply into your memory. Then, head over to page 245 and follow Jennie's directive to read Acts 5: 17-41. It's a long passage, ladies. But, I sure do hope you have to slowly read, take it in, imagine you are there, and reflect on the details. I encourage you to read verses 38 and 39 several times and in a couple of different translations. I'm including a few here. But, please read all of the passage from your Bible first.

So I am telling you: Hands off these men! Let them alone. If this program or this work is merely human, it will fall apart, but if it is of God, there is nothing you can do about it -- and you better not be found fighting against God. Message Version

Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. NIV

So in this situation, you should just leave these men to themselves. For if this plan or undertaking originates with men, it will fade away and come to nothing. But if this movement is of God, you won't be able to stop it. And, you might discover that you were fighting God all along! TPT

And there you have it.... we don't have to freak out, stress, overthink, or overanalyze. We follow through when the Lord leads us to do something. If we've heard wrong or it was our own fleshly thought, it simply won't prosper. But, we don't want to find ourselves fighting God! These verses are RELIEF for me. I have an all powerful God, and He's got me!

Dear Jesus, remind us of these words over and over for all of our days. Remind us that God is in control when we worry about what we should or shouldn't do to the extent that it paralyzes us. Remind us of these words when we look to the right and left at what others are doing in your name and want to judge or criticize. Cause us to remain focuses on YOU in a way that leads to freedom in thought, in activity, and in ministry. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. Thank you for that! Amen

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