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Made For This -- Stepping Into His Story

In His great mercy he has given us new birth, into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.

1 Peter 1: 3-4

Please read "Stepping Into His Story" in Made For This, pages 31 through 35. And, sisters, please read carefully and slowly. My book is highlighted and underlined. I've cried through Jennie's words, and I've thanked God for His. This day is big, ladies. Let's make the investment.

Our God works in and through our stories. He decided that His story would be told best through our stories. Therefore, our stories need to be redeemed. The mundane and ordinary, the shocking and ridiculous, the overwhelming and underwhelming all needs to be surrendered to our God's capable hands.

Our Living Hope loved us long before we knew to try and return love, and He has been patiently waiting for us to reach this point in our journey. Here is where we lay our anything down. Surrender the things that have held us captive is where we find ourselves light enough to jump into His plan.

I love this statement on page 34, "The thing about following Jesus is He doesn't things backward -- freedom and true life came out of His death. In turn, to follow Christ to the cross, we jump: trusting Him with everything, praying anything, handing over every day and all that lives in it to a Person -- in death we find life and freedom too."

I'm sharing a sermon I've shared before, because it fits. Ladies, I believe God is doing something amazing and brand new. I don't just want to be part of it, I want to help fan the flames to get it going. I hope you'll take some time over the weekend to be encouraged by Priscilla Shirer.

Read and reflection pages 36 and 37. I hope you all have the book, because today's pages are so FULL of powerful words. If you don't have the book, read 1 Peter 1: 3-9 and soak in the beauty of Scripture. In light of the promises expressed in these verses, how do we live from here?

God, show us how to live from here. The reality is that we all have a next step to take. It's up to us to participate or not. Personally, I want to do my part. I want to leave a mark on this world, on my family, in my circles. But, really, I want to find You in the adventure of life. I want to know you more because I'm following You closer. Empower us to do it! Lead us into the fulness of Your glory. We're asking for a revival, and we want it to begin with us.

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