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Forty Days of Promises: He will equip us

Focus of the Week: God's calling our lives

God promises to equip us

Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my advice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’” The Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.” …”Take in your hand this staff, with which you shall do the signs.” Exodus 4:1-2, 17

All promises are fulfilled in Christ.

Please read Luke 10:1-17.

I love the progression of this week so far in our posts. First, God calls us by name, simply because He loves us; then, He holds our hand as we seek to obey His word. And today, we see that He equips us to do His work.

In both our header verse concerning Moses and our main passage that speaks of the appointed 72 that go out in Jesus' name, we can recognize that all these people are equipped with the same thing: the power of God. Moses used his rod as a symbol of God's authority, and the 72 were given power "even over the demons" when mentioning Jesus' name. Neither Moses nor the 72 Christ-followers could do anything in and of their own strength.

Ladies, we are equipped with the same power of God. We may not be able to part the Red Sea or cast out evil spirits, but we ARE ABLE to do exactly what God calls each one of us to do. Remember, He calls YOUR name personally, and He gives specific instructions to YOU in His word and through the promptings of his Spirit. Then, He promises to equip YOU in this call.

What is God asking you to do today? Just think about today. Don't make this "calling-thing" too difficult (I'm talking to myself as well!). You don't have to figure out your life-long mission right now. God will accomplish the "big stuff" in you as you obey Him one faithful step at a time. He will give you what you need to obey Him today. Also, do not believe the lie that doing something "great for God" only means reaching the masses, or possessing a incredible gift or talent, or leading a huge ministry. Some people are appointed to do these things for sure. But, these acts are no less powerful than knocking on your neighbor's door while carrying Jesus' love inside of you, or sitting with a hurting friend and pouring His compassion out to her, or listening to a struggling young believer and immediately lifting up quiet prayers on his behalf.

Again, what is God asking you to do today? Hear Him call your name, choose to obey His voice, and believe He will equip you with His powerful Spirit to do a great thing in what may seem like an ordinary task. A mighty God in the midst of a one-on-one conversation is no small thing!

Today, I'm going to respond to the Spirit's prompting and walk next door to re-meet my new neighbor Melinda. I am not going over there alone. As I socially distance on her front porch, I'm asking God's Spirit to sweetly pour out of me and touch her with His love. Who knows, maybe in God's good time, Melinda will be our future Soul Sister?

Hear your name, obey His word, be equipped with His power, and no doubt, both great things and God-things will unfold in your not-so-ordinary life. Let's start, today.

For further reading; Hebrews 13:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 2:10

Dear Lord,

Thank You for calling each of us by name. Give us the ears to hear You and the heart to obey. Thank You for equipping us to do the tasks that You assign to us individually. Your Spirit within us is holy and good and divinely-appointed; may we not quench it with busyness or fear or apathy. Do things in us and through us that exhibit Your name to our neighbors, our city, our nation, and our world. Amen.

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