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Forty Days of Promises: the Holy Spirit teaches

Week 4 FOCUS OF THE WEEK: The gift and the roles of the Holy Spirit


I will put my teaching in their hearts and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be My people. Jeremiah 31:33


Please read: Luke 11:1-4 and Luke 13:14-17

Jesus teaches his disciples ongoingly for three years. “Lord, teach us to pray,” was their request and a very good one indeed. In fact , when I am in a very anxious, desperate place, that is how I begin. It’s a very needful prayer, for Jesus only can teach us, by His word and Spirit, how to pray. Like the disciples learned, we are to let our requests, both for ourselves and others, come to our heavenly Father, confiding in His power and His goodness. Jesus also teaches us how to be a servant (Luke 13:14-17). In this passage Jesus is opening the eyes of the people by showing them it is far more valuable to rejoice in a human being being freed from Satan’s bondage than it is to keep the man made laws they were hiding behind.

If we examine our lives and situations , there is a lesson the be learned around every corner. God’s word confidently reminds us that He does understand and things do not just happen with no meaning and purpose. He reminds us He is in control and nothing can separate us from the love of our God- even in our most challenging situation. The Holy Spirit lives in us and will guide and teach us if we allow it. We are to trust in Him to use the most difficult trials to mold us, to mature us, to give us wisdom, and grow us spiritually so we will be more like Jesus. We may not always be able to see the purpose of what He is doing but we are in faith to continue to keep our eyes on Him. There is comfort in knowing that this life is not all there is. Our comfort is that when are absent from the body we will be present with the Lord. Tune into what’s been going on in your life recently.

Where are you today?What do you think He is teaching you? Can you see how the Lord is using your circumstances to groom and grow you or are you in the fog? I bet if you reflect far enough back you will see valuable lessons learned over time. Maybe that’s why they say wisdom comes with age. Wherever you lie on the spectrum in “your today “, don't loose hope and faith in what He is doing. You may not see it or understand it at this moment , but He is indeed active in your life and will reveal everything you need to know only in His timing. He is constantly teaching us with His word and with His Spirit through our circumstances. He has not left you for a second. You can talk to Him anytime even if it is just to say please help me or show me how! His word says “ And we know that for those who love God ALL things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Let’s thank Him today that we are among those that are called and press on. The answers you are looking for may be just around the corner.

For further reading : Psalm 32:8; Psalm 143:10; John 14:26. “

Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation”(Luke 11: 2). Thank You for these powerful words spoken long ago. Amen

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