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Forty Days of Praise: Colorful

“I set My (rain)bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13)

Heartbeat of God, page 119

One of the most extraordinary and beautiful natural wonders is the rainbow. And isn't it just like our God to use something so pleasing to our sight to remind us that He never again will bring waters to devastate and destroy the earth? I seem to find comfort knowing that God and ONLY God can be the author of the rainbow. It cannot possibly be duplicated by anyone or anything else. Each time I see one I cannot help but think about the maker that is still as present today as He was for the very first rainbow. It’s a great time to be reminded He is indeed Sovereign and still in charge despite any earthly situations going on.

If you need a daily visual that tells us He is still on the job and working, just take a look outside your window. His seasonal artistry is breathtaking. Each season comes with it’s distinctive colors. As we enter into spring look at the beautiful blues in the sky and the carpets of green grass with the colorful blooms emerging. In the fall I love looking at the vibrant oranges and yellows in the foliage as I’m driving to and from places. And isn't it just like our God to have a purpose in His eye-catching creation : “I shall give you rains in their season , so that the land will yield it’s produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit” (Leviticus 26:4).

Let’s thank Him today for the plethora of colors we sometimes take for granted. Today, look outside and thank Him for the beauty you see in creation. Even on a gloomy, rainy day He still provides us with the colors of nature to drink in. He is the original beauty creator and beauty lover and intentionally gifts us with His perfect paintings everywhere; free of charge and available to view anytime we take the time. Who can possibly deny there is a creator of such splendor? Rather than look at what we lack or what we struggle with, let’s take time today to meditate on what our colorful God has created and given us.

For further reading :Psalm 104:24, Romans 1:20, Psalm 104:31,34

God You are colorful. The colors you create in nature show us how majestic You are. What a daily gift to be able to experience the beauty we find around us especially in times when we struggle to find the good. We thank you for Your reminder passed down through the ages of the rainbow covenant. What beautiful ways you speak to us in Your creation. Colorful God, You are captivating and we rejoice in what You have made. “May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in His works…(Psalm 104:31). Amen

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