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Forty Days of Praise: Miracle Worker

40 Days of Praise

Monday, March 2, 2020

To enrich your devotional time, you may choose to follow along in the book, The Heartbeat of God, by Chris Baxter. The page number that coordinates with the daily post will be referenced each day. It is not necessary to have the book for this study .

Miracle Worker : The Heartbeat of God, by Chris Baxter, page 39

And answering him, Jesus said,”What do you want Me to do for you?” And the blind man said to Him,”Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!”

Mark 10:51

This is such a sweet verse. Our God loves us so much that He wants to hear our heart’s desires. Yes, He already knows but it’s pleasant for Him to hear and good for us to tell. I think as we develop this practice of telling Him our heart, our love and our delight to follow Him grows. This man in the focus verse was not special. He was just a blind beggar man on the side of the road with faith that this Jesus he had heard of was who He claimed to be. Like us, this man was an ordinary person that was a BELIEVER who sought out Christ so he could tell Him what he desired.

I was looking back in my journal several years ago when I was crying out to the Lord my heart’s desires concerning a husband. This sounds easy but there was some effort involved for me to come up with the traits and details I actually desired in this unknown man. It was a journey to sort out what I wanted and what I thought the Lord would want for me in this man. Little did I realize this searching process was part of what the Lord was doing to groom and grow ME as a woman and potential mate. It’s a place He and I could converse about my most intimate thoughts. I learned staying close to the Lord and seeking His will is just one way He grows us.

As you may know, my prayers were answered and He did indeed, and in His timing bring the man . I’m not exaggerating in telling you that man had the traits I specifically prayed for. I even prayed and imagined conversations that I would have with this man and how he would react in specific situations with me . As hard as it is to believe some of those conversations have happen. This man reacted with the same heart and demeanor and even some of the words I asked for years ago. It’s completely uncanny and completely God. When you hear me say God is in the tiniest detail , I’ve personally experienced it.

To me , this is an example of one ordinary woman’s heart’s desires that He answered down to the minute detail. That’s a miracle to me. He hears, He cares, He answers.

I certainly cannot explain why Jesus sometimes does miracles and sometimes doesn’t- even when we pray with pure hearts. I just accept that “…all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). I’ve learned that God is God and I am not. I will continue to pray down my list that I made for the 40 days of prayer and look for those quiet and tiny miracles as well as the loud and big ones. This verse I just quoted tells me that He WILL work all things together for good. This means I can praise Him for what is to come. He hears, He cares, He answers. That is worth my praising Him on the front end of answered prayers.

Do you have some unanswered prayers? Do you think God is worthy of praise even when He is yet to answer these prayers?

For further reading: Isaiah 43:2; Matthew 19:26; Jeremiah 31:27

God, You are the Miracle Worker. You sent your son to die in our place and You rose Him from the grave to live eternally. . That’s miraculous. We praise You for a love we cannot comprehend . We praise You that You Hear, You care, and You answer and You want what is best for us even when we can’t see it. Thank you , Miracle Worker for the big and the small miracles all around. Help us to see with fresh eyes today and not let any God sighting go unnoticed. Amen

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