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Ruth: Week 2 Wrap-Up

Good morning, Soul Sisters. Right now, I'm praying for you. I'm praying for each one of you that has given this week to the study of Ruth, and I'm asking God to multiply the blessings. His Word never returns void. Sometimes we don't see the fruit of our labor (study) until later. But, I'm asking the Lord to give us sweet glimpses of His activity in our days so that we can learn to apply the Truth that we are studying.

The week in Ruth has been good, right? Well, it's been good with some struggle. Yesterday, Chris pointed out that we've read about Naomi in a dark, dark season. Bitterness (that's what Mara means) threatened to take over. We've all been there.

Can you remember a time when life brought the threat of bitterness? How did you fight it?

Are you there now? Who can you reach out to ask for help? I know there's a Ruth that has been appointed just for you.

I wish I had the perfect answer for fighting back the darkness, the brokenness, the feelings of hopelessness that come even when we know better. I do not! But, I can share with you the thing that's helped me fight back the bitter, because it's one simple phrase that I play on repeat in my head,

You were faithful before, and You'll be faithful again. You were faithful before, and You'll be faithful again. You were faithful before, and You'll be faithful again.

Please listen to this song and think through that phrase. There are NO truer words than GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS!

Heavenly Father, I don't understand why some seasons have to be so very hard. Often times, it seems like You've allowed too much. But, I also know that we fine you in sweet, new, and precious ways when life is really broken. As we study this book of the Bible that is going to paint a perfect picture of how You, through Your Son, healed and restored, help us to apply it to this life. Allow us to lean in and let You faithfully heal all of the broken places so that we can avoid the bitterness that so often accompanies hurt.

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