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Audacious -- Week 10

Read: John 15: 1-7

Reflect: Has John 15:7 ever confused you? I’m just going to say that it has confused me for years, it confuses me still today, and I’m convinced I’ll continue being somewhat confused by it for all of my earthly days. I’m sure that isn’t comforting for you to read, but I feel better having confessed it.

In the Message version, “abide” is translated “make your home in.” That’s a beautiful picture. You know how it feels to be at home, right?




Jesus was inviting His disciples to make themselves at home with Him. He’s invited us to do the same. Verse 7 gets pretty personal,

But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon.

This is a win/win deal, ladies. Jesus is promising that our “ask” will be listened to and acted upon when we make ourselves at home with Him. And, who better to be at home with than Jesus?

Do you see the portion of the verse I haven’t mentioned yet? Jesus definitely invited us to make ourselves at home with Him, but the second part is that His words are at home in us. We always have a responsibility. We get to rest in Jesus and we do that by resting in His Word. Then, we’ll ask in line with His will. He will hear, listen, and act.

Respond: I believe the chapter and scripture we’ve focused on this week has encouraged us to seek more and more of Jesus through our questions. Beth said, “we’ve somehow matured our way out of expecting anything other than life after death” from Jesus. That doesn’t seem audacious, though. I believe that if we love Jesus boldly, we’ll always be learning, always growing, and always asking for Him to do more tomorrow in and through our little lives.

How do you feel about that?

Renew: Verses like John 15:7 are personal. Only you and God know all of the questions marks surrounding your understanding of and obedience to Jesus’ words. Spend some time with Jesus today. Ask Him for direction and more understanding. Above all, ask Him for belief that leads to boldness. I never want to become so “spiritually mature” that I don’t ask God for big things. Bold activity comes from bold trust. Let’s ask Him for that.

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