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He WILL Bless You with Peace

Thursday, March 14

Week 2: He Will Bless

Day 4: He will bless you with peace.

Psalm 29:11 “The Lord WILL give strength to His people. The Lord WILL bless His people with peace.”

There is a new binge-worthy show on Netflix called “Tidy Up with Marie Kondo”. It’s a decluttering show based on a best-selling book; and it’s all the rage! I’ve never seen it, but apparently the method taught on the show for achieving orderliness is to discard all the things that do not bring you joy and keep the things that do. Interesting! I really want to watch the show as I understand the obsession with organization. I struggle with trying to relax in my home when things are disorganized. As a matter of fact, it is very hard for me to relax until everything is in its right spot. And it makes me feel very stressed when things aren't where they belong. But, when I reach a point where everything is in its place and I do finally sit down, I can fully enjoy the peace in the moment.

I think this is a great analogy for the peace that God gives us. Our world is often messy, chaotic, and unorganized. The disorder in our lives causes turmoil and confusion. But we are reminded in 2 Corinthians 14:33 that God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. It is when we declutter our lives of all the “stuff” that we realize that our true joy comes from Him.

I saw a saying once on a huge billboard on the side of the highway. It simply said, “No Jesus; no peace. Know Jesus; know peace.” It’s good to remember that when life gets messy – and it will - that we have a Heavenly Father that WILL bless us with peace. When we experience loss, heartache, ridicule, rejection, difficulties, and disappointments we must remember that if we keep our mind focused on Him, He will bring us perfect peace.

Yesterday we learned that He WILL bless us with forgiveness. When we put our sins in the “right spot”, at the foot of the cross, we are free to live a joyful life of peace. Forgiveness brings peace to our soul. This peace gives us the confidence that we need to focus on Him and allows us to concentrate on that which He is calling us to do. “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” Colossians 3:15

So today, when you feel overcome by the pressures of the moment. When you sense the stresses of this life making you anxious, remember the promises of our God. He WILL bless us with peace...because He said so!

FURTHER: Numbers 6:22-27; John 14:27; John 20:20-22; Ephesians 2:13-18; Philippians 4:6-7

Dear Lord,

I praise Your name and thank You that Your blessings and favor surround us like shield. (Ps 5:12) You bless our faith and our obedience. You bless us with forgiveness. And Lord, you bless us with peace. Help us remember during the chaos of life, through the storms of this world that You ARE the peace that we need to survive. You WILL give us perfect peace. Help us declutter our life from any distractions that take our focus off of You, Father. It is in the stillness of Your Spirit that we find true serenity. Amen

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