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"Because He Said So! Discovering who the I AM says I am"

The I AM says I am unfinished!

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

I love to go to the movies! There is not much I enjoy more than walking through the doors of the theatre, smelling the popcorn, finding the perfect seat (especially those new reclining ones), and waiting for the lights to go out and the trailers to begin. Admittedly, I fit in to that stereotypical female mold of movie goers because my favorite films to watch are chic-flicks! You know, boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl experience conflict, boy and girl live happily ever after! Some of my all-time favorites are Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, Enchanted, The Wedding Planner, Sweet Home Alabama, Father of the Bride, and Pitch Perfect. What I love most about these types of movies is the happy ending! There is nothing as aggravating as investing two hours into watching a movie and being left with a cliffhanger never knowing what happens to the characters or how the story ends. It’s as if the writer just left the script for the movie unfinished.

Yesterday we learned that we are complete in Him. But, the fact that we woke up this morning means that God is still writing the script for our lives. If we are breathing, He is busy directing us in the role of which we were cast, child of God. He has more in store for us; He is continually transforming us into what He wants us to become. Perhaps you’ve seen those buttons or bumper stickers that read. P.B.P.G.I.N.F.W.M.Y. This string of mysterious letter stands for an important truth: “Please be patient. God is not finished with me yet.” Maybe you are still struggling when you look in the mirror to claim your starring role, your true identity in Christ and that’s okay! Show yourself some grace and remind yourself that He’s still working on you! You are a work in progress!

Ladies we’ve been on a 40-day journey to discover who we truly are in Christ. My prayer is that you have learned to see yourself like God sees you, to forgive yourself like God forgives you, to accept yourself like God accepts you, and to love yourself like God loves you. Knowing who we are in Him helps us understand the special role we play in this production called life! When we realize why we were created, we can rejoice in the uniqueness of our identity in God. When we have faith that our Creator is writing the perfect script for our life, we can get through any of life’s struggles. Why? Because we are confident that we will have our happily ever after moment! No cliffhangers in our life! The sequel is certain, life with our Heavenly Father, forever!

In case you need a reminder, you are a masterpiece who is known, loved, chosen and rescued by the Creator of the Universe. You are forgiven and found innocent, redeemed and transformed in His image; and you are free. You are healed, alive, approved, accepted, and invited by your Father to live life abundant in Him. You are a princess who is wealthy, beautiful, cherished, and beloved. You are blessed, joyful, peaceful and enough. You are understood by your Maker, protected, fearless, courageous, strong, and victorious through the Savior. You are favored, gifted, called, and equipped so therefore you can be confident in every situation. You are a warrior who is influential and radiant. You are complete in Christ; however, He is not done with you yet. Rejoice sisters, the final credits haven’t begun to roll! We’ve got more life to live in Him and for Him. Let’s make every moment count! So today, let’s celebrate as we confidently claim, “I am unfinished…because He said so!”

Additional Reading: Psalm 56:9; Psalm 86:11-12; Isaiah 51:1; Isaiah 61:3; Matthew 7:24; Philippians 3:12-14; Romans 8:31-32; 1 Corinthians 13:9-12

Dear Lord,

I praise You today for all that You are; You are the Creator of the Universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords. You are the I AM! I know that You created me on purpose for a purpose. I am who You say I am. The enemy wants to hold me back from living out the calling You have placed on my life. Lord, saturate my mind with the truth of Your Word so that I may remember that my identity is found in You and only You. Remind me throughout the day, when the world comes tumbling in, that You are in control. Reveal Your will in my life as I only want to please You. No matter how difficult my day becomes I will remember that I can do all things through You (Phil 4:13). In Jesus' name. Amen

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