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Thankful Hearts: Specific Blessings (Home)

Today, I am thankful for … my HOME.

"They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God."

Acts 2:46, Message

I can think of many famous "home" quotes:

There's no place like home.

Home is where the heart is.

Home sweet Home.

Also, there are numerous songs about home:

Bing Crozby's rendition of "I'll be Home for Christmas"

John Denver's "Country Road (take me home)"

Phillip Phillip's "Home" (I'm gonna make this place your home).

Any others come to mind?

I know you will agree with me that the quotes and lyrics above are not about the intense longing for the bricks and mortar or for the paint and light fixtures of a framed up structure. Home decorating is in a woman's DNA for sure, but the reason behind it is driven by her desire to create a comfortable and attractive "nest" for all those who enter.

What defines "home" for you? Today, take some time to think of an endearing memory that helped you formulate this definition. Think of your favorite room and why? Think of family, think of friends, and what part they played in your thoughts of home. For me, I personally want to thank God for the gatherings that have occurred around my kitchen table. It's hard to pick just one. I love the many different people that have taken a seat with us over the years out here in the countryside of Nolensville, TN. I wish I could hug each individual all over again. Cooking has never been nor will it ever be my God-appointed gift, but it's amazing what a sorta-good-meal can do for the sake of together-time. Growing up as a family (and whomever might be visiting or living with us at the time), we frequented the game of "high-low", telling of one high and one low that happened in the day--and that's all it took to get the conversation going. Laughter was spilled and love was passed around...a taste of home. With that being said, my definition of home would be: a welcoming place where longing and belonging meet.

What can you thank God for today concerning your favorite things about your home, past or present? Let's be thankful together for our physical dwelling and the cherished memories we have made there.

For further reading: Luke 10:38; Acts 12:12; Acts 16:14-15; Romans 12:11-13

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your provision of our homes. Thank You for our quiet time places in the morning and our comfy relaxed places at night. We praise You that we have roofs over our heads, food in our refrigerators, and clothes in our closets. We take so much for granted dear Lord! Hear us say thank You today. We are grateful for these tangible things in our houses as well as the intangible blessings that make up our homes. May Your love abide in every room day and night. In Your Name. Amen.

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