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Picture Scripture Week 5 (Hands/gifts)

Picture: Body (hands/gifts to serve)

Scripture: Isaiah 58:6-11; Matthew 25:35-40; 1 Corinthians 12:11-20.

Write any phrases from the selected Bible verses that speak to you:

Post: After looking closely at the mind and the heart in the last two posts, today we turn our attention to the hands (as well as the differing gifts) that are displayed in the body of Christ. Our hands are a specific part of the body that move in response to the input of the brain and the motivation of the heart. A simple but deep question to ponder: what are your hands doing today?

In one way or another, our hands are meant to serve our Lord Jesus. His love lives within us, and because of this compelling love, we cannot help but to go to those in need. Whether its tending to the elderly, or making a meal for a family, or helping on a project, the "hands of Christ" are moving. Take a minute to truly let that familiar phrase sink in. What a privilege it is to serve as a representative (as an ambassador!) of our Lord Jesus. Ladies, WE bear the image of HIS hands! Let's keep moving mercifully.

To carry out Scripture's analogy of the body even further, today's passage in 1 Corinthians speaks of how every member of the physical body is vitally important to its functioning as a whole. Think about it, the eye is important; the ear is important; the foot is important, and so on. This truth applies to the body of Christ as well. ALL the differing gifts we divinely possess are beneficial to the body of Christ. Make no mistake, YOU are vitally important! So, Soul Sisters, let us as a unified body, each be compelled to to offer our unique selves to encourage and benefit all those around us. Let's keep moving gracefully.

Dear Lord,

You tell us, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..." (Ecclesiastes 9:10). I ask that You direct our minds and motivate our hearts to then move our hands in a way that is pleasing to you and encouraging to the body. Show us those in need, and help us to serve willingly. Also, speak to each one of us about our gifts, and cause us to use them for Your glory. Inspire us, dear Lord, to move mercifully and gracefully in our service to You. Thank You for the incredible privilege to bear Your hands. In Your Name. Amen.

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