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Free to Be Brave, Day 3

Read: Isaiah 43: 1-2

Remember: “Our bravest moments come from trusting, from falling into the plan of God. When we do, bravery becomes less about courage and more about faith.

Reflect: When I was in my late twenties I had a strong desire to deepen and forward my faith. I decided to join a Bible study for the first time…ever. I researched women’s groups near me and quickly signed up for a popular study at a local church. I attended every week and sat near the back, soaking it all in. When the study was over and it was time for me to begin a new one, God made it very clear to me that instead of me joining a study He was calling me to start a women’s Bible study at my home for the women in my neighborhood. I want you to know that this was NOT part of my plan. Not what I signed up for. I certainly wasn’t qualified. I was nervous and afraid to proceed because I had never even led a group in prayer, much less a study. What would I say? What if I said something wrong? I had never invited a group of people to my house to pray together. How should our time be spent? What would we study? Would anyone even show up? Fear, doubt, anxiousness all started setting in. I prayed fervently. I confided in my neighbor, Lee Ann Brown, who told me that God would prepare me and provide me with everything I need (including her help😊) to do His works. It just took me being brave, trusting God and “stepping out in faith”. In just a matter of days, the book was selected, flyers made and women were signing up. Our group of ladies/young mothers talked, walked, prayed and played together….all to glorify Him. I am thankful God gave me courage and allowed me to put my fear aside so I could fall into His plan, which was greater than I could ever imagine. Leading that one women’s group also helped me establish the courage and freedom to be brave to start other women’s Bible studies over the years. I discovered that bravery truly is less about me and more about my faith in God.

Rest: Our reading today perfectly points out that fear will be part of our life. Passing through deep waters and fire could actually be very scary. But, our confidence and faith come from knowing God is with us at all times. When is the last time you stepped into something that caused you great fear? Journal about it today. Remember all of the feelings and emotions associated with moving beyond the fear in that scenario. Thank God for that memory and ask for continued courage to step into all the plans He has for you with courage.

Prayer for Soul Sisters:

God of All,

You have indeed called us each by name. We are yours. And you have a plan for us. We praise you, Father!! Thank you for the gifts you give us to walk the steps of your plan. You have even blessed us with gifts to overcome the tough times. I pray that I would use your courage and bravery so I can experience the journey in a whole new light. Being brave really is about stepping out in faith and falling into your plan. So, here I am, Lord! I am stepping out. Let your will be done. I pray this boldly all in the name of your Son. Amen.

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