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Free To Celebrate, Day 1

Good Morning Soul Sisters. Here we are rounding the corner into the last few chapters of this book. Thank you, Amy Cutrer Rogers for the poignant study last week . I hope this week we will be able to see celebration through new eyes and what it looks like for each of us. Last week I had a long time friend tragically pass away following a life of complicated struggles. So I dedicate this week to my friend Peggy. May your life and death lead people to the source of true joy...

Read: Chapter 12 of You Are Free, Free to Celebrate.

Take some time to do these three things:

1. Highlight or journal statements that make an impact as you read.

2. Write out any questions you have.

3. Pray that God will reveal areas of bondage that lead you to freedom during this week's study.

Heavenly and Gracious Father, We come to you as a broken people admitting we are weak and find it impossible to do this life without You. We celebrate that fact! We ask that You will guide each and every lesson in this week's study . Let the scales fall from our eyes to see clearer what bondage looks like in our lives. Meet us right where we are in our mess and reveal to us the way out of this bondage. Give us the strength we need to move beyond what is in the way to fully LIVE this life . Keep the pace for us so we may finish the race strong as we head toward freedom, Amen

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