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Free to Be Weak, Day 1

Happy Monday morning, Soul Sisters.

We are beginning the last third of our Freedom study today. We've completed 10 of our 15 weeks together, and I'm so grateful for what God has done in hearts and lives so far.... mine included.

Two years ago, I saw the cover of "You Are Free" on the Facebook page of a friend of mine. She gave it a quick summary and encouraged friends to buy it and read it. It sounded like a book for me, so I did just that. When my book arrived, I devoured it. I read Rebekah Lyons words so quickly and related with nearly every one. Then, I flipped back to page one and studied those words more carefully. When I got to Chapter 10 (Free to Grieve) and Chapter 11 (Free to Be Weak), I sobbed as I studied. I could have written these words. The culprit for my struggle is different than hers. But, the struggle is the same.

This year, God led me to choose FREEDOM as my word for the year. So, I pulled the book back out for guidance. God quickly revealed that we should consider studying the themes of this book as Soul Sisters. As I begin writing out a guide and determining who would write each week, my only hope was that Chapter 11, Free to Be Weak, would NOT land on me. If God ever chuckles, I believe He did as I uttered that hope.

So, here we are. This week, I will lead us to study a topic that I haven't fully learned myself. Before the week begins, I will confess that I've not fully experienced the freedom to be weak. But, I'm determined to follow Jesus into that freedom. I refuse to fight it any more. The words on page 167 breathed life into my heart this morning, "This kind of healing could bring you into one of your richest seasons, but make no mistake about it: when you confess that God is the strength in your weakness, things may seem worse for a time. Why? Because when you find yourself on the cusp of strongholds being released, the enemy marches in double time."

After a couple of TOUGH emotional weeks, I'm entering into this week of study with boldness, because maybe (just maybe) the intensity of my struggle means that I'm at the cusp of strongholds being released! Who's with me? Let's finish this Freedom journey strong, ladies!

Read chapter 11 of You Are Free, Free to Be Weak.

Take some quiet time to do these three things:

1. Highlight or journal statements that make an impact as you read.

2. Write out any questions that you have.

3. Pray that God will reveal areas of bondage and lead you to freedom during this week’s study.

Prayer for Soul Sisters: Dear Heavenly Father.... We are weak in every way. I confess my own weakness and my constant need to cover it up. It's exhausting! You're Word tells us over and over that You love us and want to take the burden from us. Your burden is light. You remind us that Jesus is power in our weakness. I also confess that full understanding... experiential understanding.... is revealed only through You. So, please bring us freedom in Your teaching this week. Help us to learn to boast in our weakness, because when we are weak, we learn to rest in Your strength. Thank you for loving us enough to insist on our freedom. Since it's for freedom that Christ set us free, we want to live freely.

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