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Free To Rest (Day 1)

Monday, July 16th

Read Chapter 9 of You Are Free, Free to Rest.

Wow, Soul Sisters, our journey to freedom just keeps getting better! Thank you for your deep thoughts and sweet vulnerability through your comments as we discussed last week's chapter, Free to Wait. This week, we will be covering Free to Rest. In a society that measures success through the vein of productivity, the concept of rest can be rather foreign and almost taboo. This week, let's open God's word as well as our hearts to what He has in store for each one of us concerning the slowing down and the abiding beauty of r...e...s...t.

Take some quiet time to do these three things:

1. Highlight or journal statements that make an impact as you read.

2. Write out any questions that you have.

3. Pray that God will reveal areas of bondage and lead you to freedom during this week’s study.

Dear Lord,

Your heart's desire is for us to have a relationship with You, one in which we sit and drink in Your words of life. You want to have a meaningful conversation with us every day! You want to listen to our worries and woes and speak peace into our hearts. You long for us to rest in You. Give us the desire to be with You as much as You want to be with us. Help us to just sit and breathe, meditate and cherish. You have so much You want to give us, O God; cause us to be still, body and soul, so that we can receive Your rich blessings. This week, show us new things in Your word that will bring us what You have promised: rest to our souls.

In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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