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Free to Wait (Day 5)

Wow!! What a week, ladies!! Thank you for sharing your hearts, insights, experience, suggestions, music and so much more just for us to have a better perspective about how God calls us to be free and wait.

Today, we will consider the questions at the end of the chapter. Take time to read back over scripture from the week and notes from the chapter while answering these questions for self discovery. Happy journaling. Feel free to share with us as you feel led….

  1. Are you waiting for a job situation to resolve, marriage wounds to heal, or a child to come home? Have you grown weary in the waiting? List the areas in which you are tired of waiting.

  2. Can you recognize the ways in which God is equipping you, even in this waiting? Ask him to show you the ways, and make a list.

  3. Are there times the waiting makes you want to revert to what you already know, even though God has given you a glimpse of something yet to happen? If so, feel free to confess your struggle in prayer or in a journal. He can handle it and may even reveal more insight after your confession.

Lastly……Let us all surrender to God’s timing with this prayer:

Jesus, I know you love me and have called me for a purpose. Teach me to wait as you equip me for that purpose. I trust you.

I wait with passion and with hope, claiming your promises every day.

In your name I pray. Amen.

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