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Audacious --Week 4

Read: Ephesians 2: 11-22

Reflect: Let’s get right back into our Ephesians study today, because this passage is so very bold! These verses are packed with audacity, but it’s Christ’s boldness for us. As Gentiles (non-Jews), we were the “uncircumcised,” separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenant of promise, and hopeless. But God was determined to bring us near through the cross of Jesus Christ. The crucifixion was an audacious move on our behalf.

Do you ever find yourself focusing on all the things you are not? Is it difficult to believe that God has big plans for you each and every day. Is hopelessness a real enemy in your life? As Beth said, “If you and I are going to live and love audaciously, we’re going to have to quit answering the door when hopelessness bangs its ugly fist at it. Hopelessness is a liar.”

If you don’t believe it, read Ephesians 2: 11-22 again and again. We were separated (dead, hopeless, without peace), but He “broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace and reconciliation…” (verses 13-15)

Respond: Today, we have some options to respond, but I believe you can’t not respond. (I know that’s a double negative. I’m making a point.) If you’ve never received the complete gift of salvation, you can do it right now. There’s absolutely no possible way you’ll live with Christ’s audacity apart from His Spirit living in you. If you’ve never really accepted Him as your Savior, please reach out to me. Today could be the day of your salvation. Are you ready for that bold move?

If you are a believer already, I think we are being called to live more fully in His love for us. I believe God is asking us to look at the boldness of the Cross and determine to follow Him with more audacity. Read our scripture again and be amazed by the adventure Jesus took on for you and ask for the courage to commit to the adventure He has for you.

Or, you can choose not to respond in any way which is still a response. At times in my life, I’ve refused to see and hear God’s call for me to step in a little deeper with Him. Maybe I was fearful, or maybe I had settled into boredom. Either way, I was missing out. I never want to live that way again.

Renew: In your journal, write out a prayer of commitment to His adventure. Confess your fears and insecurities. Ask for help where you know you need it. And, seek His guidance for your next step.

“So, I am no longer a stranger and alien, but I am a fellow citizen with the saints and am of God’s household.” (Ephesians 2:19)

Thank you, Jesus!

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