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"Because He Said So! Discovering who the I AM says I am"

The I AM says I am a princess!

“So, in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.” Galatians 3:26

For my generation, it began with Diana Frances Spencer. The world became obsessed with her beauty, her style, her grace! Many of us woke up in the middle of the night to watch her, a commoner, step out of her royal carriage, walk down the aisle, exchange vows with Prince Charles, and “become” royalty, become Princess Diana! The world’s preoccupation with royalty has only become more frenzied since the untimely death of our beloved princess. Now, the two newest princesses of the family, Kate and Megan are the subject of our fixation. If they eat too much pasta the media is proclaiming a royal baby must be on the way. They are put on a pedestal and celebrated.

When I was a little girl I would put on my mom’s high heels, clip a pair of sparkling plastic jewels to my ears, drape a towel over my head and top it with a plastic crown. I walked slowly down our hallway toward my imaginary prince; and I married him. Then, I used the wand from my magic kit as my scepter, sat in my daddy’s big chair, and waved to my subjects like only royalty can. I was Princess Missy. I would imagine that most little girls at some time or another dream of having Prince Charming ride in on his white horse and rescue them. They dream of a tiara being placed on their head and a title placed in front of their name. Princess ___________. Oh, to be a part of the royal family!

Sisters, in Revelation 19:16 we read scripture that proclaims God is the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are made new in Christ adopted by the King! So, you tell me, what do you call the daughter of a king? Yes, the daughter of a king is a princess. And therefore, because we were adopted, purchased by the blood of Jesus, into the royal family of God, we are princesses! So why then, do we live like commoners? We allow the enemy to cause us to doubt our birthright! We bow down to the world thinking we aren’t worthy of our title. Ladies, through Christ we are children of the King. God will not disinherit us!

Being a part of THE Royal Family is about more than streets of gold, jeweled crowns, and magnificent mansions. We are representing our Heavenly Father, the King. When people see us, we want to reflect Him! We want to be His hands and His feet to the people who are in need of Him.

Oh, how much better is our happily ever after in this tale! “Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?” (James 2:5) With God as our Father, we are covered in the robe of righteousness and will walk the streets of gold with Him, the King, for eternity. So today, when you feel like Cinderella after the stroke of midnight crying next to a rotting pumpkin with only one glass slipper on, stand up with the dignity and confidence of a royal. Adjust your crown, praise your Father, the King, and proclaim, “I am a princess…because He said so!

Additional Reading: Isaiah 45:13-15; John 1:12-13; Romans 8:16-17; Ephesians 2:4-6

Dear Lord,

I praise You today for all that You are; You are the Creator of the Universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords. You are the I AM! I know that You created me on purpose for a purpose. I am who You say I am. The enemy wants to hold me back from living out the calling You have placed on my life. Lord, saturate my mind with the truth of Your Word so that I may remember that my identity is found in You and only You. Remind me throughout the day, when the world comes tumbling in, that You are in control. Reveal Your will in my life as I only want to please You. No matter how difficult my day becomes I will remember that I can do all things through You (Phil 4:13). In Jesus' name. Amen

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