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Guest Post Writer's Week

On behalf of Patricia Sortino Pool thank you for today's post:

“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night” Psalm 92:1-2

“And the people shall go out and gather the portion of a day in His day.” Exodus 16:4

When I was asked to write a post, I paused for a few seconds and answered yes. Then reality set in. Knowing that my time will be limited, because of my road trip commitment with my senior friends, before and after our retreat. I just arrived home. I live in Sarasota FL. it is now 5:35 pm Oct. 23. My post is due in this evening. I drove a total of 1,754. 2 miles within 6 days. Giving praise for uneventful travels.

I find that worship music is just one of the ways that I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. A few of my soul sisters who stood next to me during worship will vouch for me. Being in nature and of course in His Word, the truth. The word "truth" occurs in the Bible more than 200 hundred times. God places immeasurable value in the truth, and He longs for each of us to seek it, find it and apply it to our lives. God’s word is our map, as we travel in this life. Personally I use the bible for understanding. I’ve had many questions over my 59 years for God as I’m sure all of you have.

Years…. I must remind myself of the word “day”, Hebrew word "yom", which refers to a period of time with a beginning and an end. Day by Day: only a day at a time. Only to-day is yours: to-morrow is the Father’s. His presence and grace enjoyed to-day can remove all doubt whether you can entrust the morrow to Him too. I want to see His face, I want to walk with Him moment by moment. God has gathered and bundled the last 6 days, 1754.2 miles for the very purpose that I may see the blessedness of fellowship, Soul Sisters we are one accord in Christ. And so Sisters as our Christian life grows and we give our heart, we change from the inside out.

My prayer is for all of you to trust for to-day, and for Our Father to show each of us the way we should go, travel. In His name.


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