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Guest Post Writer's Week

Pictures: (even when things fall all around you, God will protect you from harm)

Scripture Reading: Phil. 4:9, 2 Cor. 4:8-9, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 16:1, Psalm 59:16, John 1:5

This is my 3rd retreat (1st one wasn’t the full weekend, but who’s counting?) and it always amazes me how God pulls these things off. Not without a hitch or some loud bumps, but always with answered prayers of protection from the enemy who tries to put things in the way when all the planning and scheduling start to happen. I heard so many stories of how God just brought things together and put things “into place” just so. How He provided just the right things for anyone and everyone that were finding obstacles to get “in the way” while trying to come to this retreat. And I witnessed how so very many of us are/were/will be “broken in to pieces” from life happening around us. We were all “supported” by each other, it was just beautiful to watch us all share, cry, hold onto, cry some more, and just be there to let each other know that we’re not alone in this dark world and that eventually, we will see His Light shining through our trials and hurts. I saw more smiles and hopeful outlooks plus just shear enjoyment to know that while we may be crushed, we won’t be driven to despair, struck down but not destroyed. He can and will bind up our wounds.

God kept us safe in our traveling and safe in our sleep, and even safe when a huge tree came crashing down onto the porch roof...that’s right, I said a huge tree came crashing down on us last night. But even while it scared us all to death (because we thought someone fell down the steps), I’m not sure if anyone saw that a portion of the roof had a light on it. And it flickered on and off for just a few seconds. And it was God saying, I’m going to let this tree fall on this rooftop in the darkness, but it’s only going to come mere inches from coming inside to harm you. And I’m not going to hide my Light from you but am going to shine it through the UNbroken glass to show you that I am still with you in everything that falls around you. And I will show you how much I love you by reminding you of the Cross that I hung on for you to carry you through your fears. I went out this morning to “see” in the daytime what I couldn’t believe happened last night in the dark. (twice, some branches fell into a cross) And it was good, we were good, because after the dark, always comes the Light, and we are all going to be ok in our broken pieces and all of those things that we crossed off on that list and then stood up for and supported each other with. That was so powerful, just like the tree falling, breaking, but not harming us in our joy we had this weekend.

I’ve been broken since Dayna first asked me to join Soul Sisters. I may still be a little broken, but I can see the Light now a little more each day. I am so grateful to be a part of this ministry and it has lifted me through all of my sisters that are a part of my family, now. I know I am not alone in my brokenness. God’s Light will always shine brighter than our darkest times.

Father God, thank you so much for your loving Light that shines through each one of us. I praise You for the Glory you shined on all of us, this weekend, and for the traveling mercies you gave to us all. Thank you for your protection and provision. I thank you for the sisters that weren’t able to make it, knowing they were with us in heart. You have blessed us all this weekend, and I look forward to what you have in store for us, until we all meet again, next year.

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