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Free to Grieve (Day 3)

Wednesday, July 25th

Read: Genesis 16: 1-13; Galatians 4: 21-28

Remember: “The dysfunction of this world will be tangible, again and again. We cannot escape it -- although we desperately try.”

Reflect: Ladies, today I have asked Soul Sister, Jenny Eaton Cozby to share her current “story of grief” with you. Jenny openly shared earlier this year when we were studying, Draw the Circle. After reading it, I felt as if Jenny’s story might resonate with many of you during this part of our study and I asked her if she would share again. She graciously accepted. Are you grieving the future you “assumed” you’d have? As you read Jenny’s transparent tale of how God is currently working in her life during her time of suffering and loss, my prayer is that you will find Him in whatever disappointments that life has faced you with...

Jenny’s verse that she clings to: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind." II Timothy 1:7

When I think back over my life, the first time I grieved was in 6th grade. My parents divorced, and I thought my world as I knew it was over. I felt at that moment anxiety and fear set in. I have felt that grief again when my dad passed away of cancer 8 years ago. Fast forward to 2 years ago and I felt that grief yet again when everything was completely unraveling in front of me.

My husband’s business was failing, and I had not been focused on mine. We had to sell our dream home we built, my husband shut the doors of his business after 18 years, we filed bankruptcy and sold everything thing we owned. We were completely starting over after 26 years of marriage. We have moved 6 times because I can’t seem to find my place or peace. I have shed so many tears over the loss of everything.

Now married 28 years we are so much stronger than ever before. We value and appreciate everything so much more. My husband has a job that provides, and God has continuously made a way for us. I am, through all of this, becoming who God truly wants me to be!

I received Christ at age 9, raised in a Christian home, went to bible studies, church, etc. I feel like through all of my most recent grief God has shown me how to truly live for Him! I feel like I’m just now really understanding what that means. As hard as it’s been, I have found it’s all about Him and He needed to strip me of everything to see that more clearly! I’m learning how to be truly free from fear and anxiety for the first time! In my weakness He makes me strong!

I love to worship, it is my favorite thing! I have attached a song that got me through many sleepless nights. Do it Again! Jesus continuously has moved the mountains for me, and He will do it again and again! Jenny Cozby

Rest: Does it provide you any comfort to know that even Abraham, the man God chose to covenant with as the father of many nations was dysfunctional and led his family into messes that caused grief and confusion? This is the life that we live in. Like Hagar, we will all find ourselves in deserts feeling lonely, forgotten, and used. Yet, just as God saw Hagar, He sees you and me. This may be a stretch, but would you consider drawing in your journal today? As best you can, draw a picture of you in this present season of life. Now, draw God looking on and seeing all of your questions, pains, and concerns. He sees with action, and I have no doubt He is waiting to comfort.

Dear Lord, How faithful You are to Your people! Thank You for loving so intimately. Thank you for loving us through the joy and the sorrow of life. Thank You for being the strength we need in our darkest hour. No matter how alone we feel in our circumstances, You are always there loving us and comforting us. Although we don’t understand why our plans don’t always work out like we want, or why our dreams don’t turn out like we expected, or why that family photo doesn’t look the way we envisioned it…we trust in You. Make us and mold us into the person You would have us be. In the midst of our pain, use us to help others and allow us the joy of being used by You. In the name of Jesus; Amen.

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